What we do
The unique model of social aid we have developed employs the immense power of the community as facilitator for social aid to individuals. “Magic” is operating in the form of a network of social-aid communities, which provide assistance to citizens in need, and employing volunteers and professionals. These social aid communities operate both in the public sector and the business sector, in which our volunteers assist their colleagues in their organizations, or alternatively offer collective assistance to participants outside the organization.

Work with a companion
Magic pairs each person who contacts us for aid up with a companion, who works individually with them. The pairs meet once a week, construct an aid-plan for each participant, and implement the plan. In these meetings the companion and the participant find their companionship and build trust. In the conversations they have, the story of the participant’s life is shared, as well as the hardships they are facing, and the assistance they wish to receive. The companion learns how they might be able to help, and a joint effort is made to identify possible routes of solution.
Multifaceted aid
In order to properly respond to hardship that often accompany the financial hardship of our participants, ‘Magic’ offers multifaceted aid by professionals—accountants, psychologists, and lawyers (one-stop-shop)

The power of a community
In addition to meeting with their companions, the participants and the companions both take part in community meetings. Participants from all parts of society use these meetings to search together for practical solutions to life hardships. They offer mutual support, study, and participate in workshops. They thus strengthen their sense of belonging and self-esteem. This is of particular importance to people in need. In this manner, over time, we aim at rebuilding the social cohesiveness in Israel.
Social activism to facilitate policy change
As of today, tens of thousands of Israelis face severe financial, legal, employment-related, bureaucratic, as well as psychological hardships. We refuse to remain indifferent, and leave people alone to fend for themselves. We act both in order to personally help each and every person who seeks our help, and in order to facilitate policy changes and put social hardships on the national agenda. We promote civic activity, responsibility-taking, and wide ranging action to restore the belief that we citizens together have the power to bring about change.

The structure of Magic communities
The structure of Magic communities
Each community has about 35 members: 15 volunteer companions, 15 participants and 2-3 professional advisors.
Each community is managed by a couple of coordinators—professional social workers or psychologists, who oversee the personal and collective processes in the community
Community manager
Social workers and psychologists who lead both the personal and communal processes.
Professional advisors
These are professional and expert volunteers—lawyers, social workers, rights experts, accountants, etc. They offer ongoing support in their domain of expertise, both in assessing the situation, and in building professional and effective work-plans.
The companions
These are volunteers, who personally accompany the participants, and take part in communal activities. The companions receive thoroughgoing training, and are themselves accompanied by the association. The companions construct work-plans together with the participants; they oversee the implementation of the plans, and accompany the participants throughout this process both physically and mentally.
The participants
The participants are people who found themselves struggling with hardships and difficulties, with which they find it difficult to cope by themselves, and who wish to receive our help. For the most part, the participants come from lower socio-economic status, or middle class people who found themselves struggling. There are many different kinds of participants facing different kinds of hardships and difficulties.