Social magic in the Academia
We believe the academia has social responsibility both within academic circles, and for the society in general

About the model
We have in our communities, student volunteers from IDC Herzliya, Tel Aviv University, the Tel-Aviv-Jaffa Academic College, and from “The Rothschild Ambassadors” and “Yedidim” student organizations. Some of these institutions give either academic credit or scholarships for social activity.
‘Magic’s’ holistic and multifaceted model gives the student the opportunity to be the agents of social change, accompanies them by offering practical training, and studies to broaden their professional horizons.
Our successful cooperation with the Herzliya IDC led in 2016 to the establishment of the Magic ‘Legal Clinic,’ which offers legal aid to both individuals and the community. In this clinic, both psychology- and law-students act as companions. The clinic also offers legal aid to all ‘Magic’ participants, who do not meet the criteria for legal aid by the Ministry of Justice. In the Clinic, students acquire experience offering legal aid to participants who deal with a variety of hardships, and they receive a varied practical training. In October 2017, as part of their practical training, several Social Work BA students from Tel Aviv University joined us to become companions for ‘Magic’ participants.
We aim to deepen and broaden our volunteering opportunities and expand it to more academic schools, which will also allow for academic research of our model, as well as for teaching it.